
"Saturday Swing" is a light blue mixed media street art pop art collage on a large canvas, encapsulating the spirit of friendship, freedom and the incessant heartbeat of the city. Against a background of contrasts, two girls stand on a swing, their figures rendered in striking black and white, a timeless echo in the cacophony of the contemporary urban landscape.

The swing becomes a metaphor for floating moments, a respite from the tumultuous clash between old and new. Anchored between rough, dilapidated buildings and and sleek skyscrapers decorated with layers of graffiti and tags, the girls symbolise a bridge between eras - a harmonious fusion of nostalgia and modernity.

The light blue hue pervades the composition and lends it a dreamy quality. It serves as a unifying force, softening the hard lines of urban decay and adding a touch of etherealism to the scene. The swing, suspended in the air, becomes a symbol of escapism, a refuge where time stands still amid the ever-changing urban landscape.

As the girls stretch out to touch the skyline, "Saturday Swing" invites viewers to reflect on the transitory nature of city life, where moments of joy and connection serve as a counterpoint to the relentless march of progress. In this captivating composition, the collision of black and white with a soothing light blue palette creates a visual poetry that transcends the boundaries of time and space and sums up the essence of a Saturday, suspended in the enchantment of shared laughter and fleeting serenity.

Additional information

Dimensions: 120 x 80 x 2 cm (unframed) / 120 x 80 x 2 cm (actual image size)

Weight: 3 kg

Dimensions: Large

Tools: Brush, Roller,

Color: Light Blue, White, Aqua, Red, Grey, Black

Frame: Unframed

Surface: Stretched canvas on wooden frame

Orientation: Vertical

Series: Abstract, Urban Landscape, Children

Technique: Mixed media, Painting, Texture, Layering, Collage

Medium: Acrylic paint, Pencil, Pastel crayon, Collage,

Theme: Street Art, City, Kids

Availability: 1 In Stock

Created in 2019

Signed certificate

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