View db Waterman's unique collection of original artwork here
Displayed in different categories, db Waterman's Mixed Media artworks showcase a diverse collection. Ranging from colorful beach scenes and melancholic landscapes to dynamic street art and smaller works on paper. Each artwork tells its own story and brings a unique atmosphere to your home or office.
Important information for purchasing a work of art by db Waterman
Free shipping is offered on every order, no matter where you are ordering from!
Items will be shipped as soon as possible, but this will not always be the same day as your order. Please add 2-3 days for processing and packing.
Successfully placed orders will receive an e-mail confirmation with your order details. If you do not receive such a confirmation, please check your spam folder or contact me.
Shipping times depend on your location. All original artworks purchased through this website are shipped from the Netherlands. I will notify you once your purchase is shipped.
Please note that you as the buyer are responsible for any VAT, tariff, duty, taxes, handling fees, customs clearance charges, etc. required by your country for importing consumer goods.
Review the Return & Refund Policy for more information on returning your purchase.
When a painting you love is sold out
In the event of a painting being sold, db Waterman is able to create a similar work of art for a customer who has selected a painting that has already been sold.
The client may specify the material (canvas or paper), dimensions, and colours of the artwork.
Should further clarification be required, please do not hesitate to contact db Waterman. A discussion regarding the custom artwork can be held.
It is possible for the final product to deviate from the original artwork; it is not possible to create a painting that is an exact replication of the source material. The utilisation of disparate collage papers by db Waterman inevitably results in variations in the visual presentation of the artwork.
However, the original appearance of the painting will be reproduced with great fidelity.
Once db Waterman has received your request, she will commence work and provide updates on the progress of the project via photographic documentation.
The time required to create an original work of art is contingent upon its dimensions. An artwork on canvas, for instance, typically requires approximately two to three weeks, whereas a work of art on paper, which will be smaller, generally necessitates an average of 10 working days.
Should the completion time exceed the aforementioned estimates, the client will be promptly informed.